Stress Management



What to do about Stress: The Thirty-One Point Plan (from Self Help Books)

by Craig Lock

Stress occurs when tension rises, as a person has difficulty in adapting to extraordinary circumstances in life and has concerns in meeting their personal expectations. So we ALL get stressed at certain times in our lives. The key is managing stress effectively. Hope these tips may be helpful...

  1. Be positive - see problems as challenges and perhaps even OPPORTUNITIES. Have goals and visions. N.B: Have a positive mental attitude.
  2. Play sports and step up your exercise. Activity takes your mind off your problems.
  3. Talk things over with someone.
  4. Determine what causes you stress and try to eliminate it.
  5. Become physically fit.
  6. Balance work, home/family and recreation.
  7. Enjoy your play and relaxation - it is precious time!
  8. Get adequate sleep and rest.
  9. Allow yourself some relaxation and meditation time every day.
  10. Learn relaxation techniques and systematic ways to relax.
  11. Give yourself time to think.
  12. Know your limits and your symptoms of stress... and how to relieve them. Learn to say 'no' to others' excessive demands on you. Don't say "yes" when you mean "no".
  13. "Coast" if necessary.
  14. Worry only about that which can be changed by you. I like the quotation which goes like this "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." I often do not follow this rule.
  15. Use your imagination to reduce your stress levels. Be creative.
  16. Learn to switch off thinking about work when you get home.
  17. Think about your diet and eat nutritious food.
  18. Learn to plan your time better.
  19. Learn to recognize and to accept your limitations as well as the limitations (and faults) of others.
  20. Learn to have FUN. You must be able to enjoy your work.
  21. Learn to praise others and be positive.
  22. Learn to tolerate and to forgive.
  23. Learn to avoid unnecessary competition. You don't have to be the best at everything.
  24. Learn to confide in others.
  25. Learn to accept what can't be changed in others, i.e., personality or decisions.
  26. Learn to accept that some things aren't as important to others as they are to you.
  27. Learn to delegate - don't try to do everything yourself.
  28. Learn to recognize stress. Do not become so accustomed to feeling stress that it becomes a normal part of your life.
  29. Don't let your enemies, or those who thwart you, rent space inside your head (thanks, Nancy)!
  30. Have trust in other people.
    No matter how stressful or hopeless your situation may appear to be... say "this too shall pass". Hardship, trials and the severest tribulations develop inner strength and character. Like the seasons change, everything life is a series of cycles - a time of sowing and a time of reaping. And God is with you and in you.

    And finally...
  31. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. ALWAYS have GREAT FAITH IN YOURSELF AND ESPECIALLY IN GOD, our Creator, or whatever YOU understand God to be: The Universe, the Ultimate Source, Life, Great Spirit, your Higher Self ... that things will eventually work out for you. Just know that there is a "special" plan and purpose for your life. Perhaps it is to do good deeds by helping others... and so help yourself. In seeking it, you will make the most of your unique potential and gifts and fulfill your unique Divine Destiny.

In seeking it, you will make the most of your unique potential and gifts and fulfill your unique Divine Destiny. All the best in MANAGING your stress levels.

Good luck *


About The Author

Craig Lock has written extensively in the field of self help. This piece is a summary from his first published book HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE - a collection of writings on various subjects to help every man or woman survive in a rapidly changing, uncertain world.
HANDBOOK can be ordered at: and
My dear dad has written a fascinating book about his war-time experiences titled "Bismarck, Dorsetshire and Memories". Check out

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"Light your taper from the candle of knowledge, which is freely given." - Dr Andy Eastcott (Gisborne ) (That's a metaphor, btw)
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