Monday, May 31, 1999

Raw garlic tackles cancer

Doctors have suggested how much garlic they think a person would have to eat each day to gain from its anti-cancer properties - half a clove.

It should be served raw to have maximum effect, they said.

Previous studies had suggested that a human would have to eat their own weight in garlic before gaining any benefits.

But the new research suggests half a raw clove would be enough, rising to four and half cloves if cooked.

Source BBC News

Drinking fluids cuts bladder cancer risk

Drinking more fluid can lower the risk of bladder cancer, scientists have claimed.

A study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found that men who drank at least 11 eight-ounce glasses of fluids such as water, fruit juice, milk or coffee cut their risk of two common types of bladder cancer - papillary and flat transitional cell carcinomas - in half.
Men who drank at least six glasses of water a day cut their risk of bladder cancer in half compared with men who had less than one glass, regardless of how much they drank in total liquids.

Bladder cancer strikes an estimated 310,000 people worldwide each year.

Researchers believe the bladder lining suffers less exposure to cancer-causing substances in urine when the urine is diluted and urination is more frequent.

Source - BBC News

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