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Description : This has divers long leaves, some greater, some smaller, set upon a stalk, all of them dented about the edges, green above, and greyish underneath, and a little hairy withal. Among which riseth up usually but one strong, round, hairy, brown stalk, two or three feet high, with smaller leaves set here and there upon it, at the top whereof grow many yellow flowers one above another in long spikes, after which come rough heads of seeds hanging downwards, which will cleave to and stick upon garments, or any thing that shall rub against them. The root is black, long, and somewhat woody, abiding many years, and shooting afresh every spring; which root, though small, hath a pleasant smell.

Place : It grows upon banks, near the sides of hedges.

Time : It flowereth in July and August, the seed being ripe shortly after.

Government and virtues : It is moderately hot and moist, according to the nature of Jupiter. It is under Jupiter and the sign Cancer, and strengthens those parts under the planet or sign, and removes diseases in them by sympathy, and those under Saturn, Mars and Mercury by antipathy, if they happen in any part of the body, governed by Jupiter, or under the signs Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces; and therefore must needs be good for the gout, either used outwardly in an oil or ointment, or inwardly in an electuary, or syrup, or concreted juice; for which see the latter end of the book.

It has moreover been recommended in dropsies and the jaundice. Externally, it has indeed its use; I have seen very bad sore legs cured by bathing and fomenting them with a decoction of this plant.

It is of a cleansing and cutting faculty, without any manifest heat, moderately drying and binding. It openeth and cleanseth the liver, helpeth the jaundice, and is very beneficial to the bowels, healing all inward wounds, bruises, hurts, and other distempers. The decoction of the herb made with wine, and drank, is good against the biting and stinging of serpents, and helps them that have foul, troubled or bloody water, and causes them to make water clear and speedily. It also helpeth the cholic, cleanseth the breast, and relieves the cough. A draught of the decoction, taken warm before the fit, first relieves, and in time removes the tertian or quartan ague. The leaves and seeds taken in wine, stay the bloody flux; outwardly applied, being stamped with old swine's grease, it helpeth old sores, cancers, and inveterate ulcers, and draweth forth thorns and splinters of wood, nails, or any other such thing, gotten into the flesh. It helpeth to strengthen members that be out of joint: and being bruised and applied, or the juice dropped in it, helpeth foul and imposthumed ears.

The distilled water of the herb is good to all the said purposes, either inward or outward, but a great deal weaker.

I cannot stand to give you a reason in every herb why it cureth such diseases; but if you please to pursue my judgment in the herb wormwood, you shall find it there, and it will be well worth your while to consider it in every herb, you shall find them true throughout the book.

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