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Names. Besides amara dulcis, some call it mortal, others bitter-sweet; some woody Night-shade, and others felon-wort.

Description. It grows up with woody stalks even to a man's height, and sometimes higher. The leaves fall off at the approach of winter, and spring out of the same stalk at spring-time: The branch is compassed about with a whitish bark, and hath a pith in the middle of it: The main brancheth itself into many small ones with claspers, laying hold on what is next to them, as vines do; it bears many leaves, they grow in no order at all, at least in no regular order: The leaves are longish, though somewhat broad, and pointed at the ends: many of them have two little leaves growing at the end of their foot-stalk; some have but one, and some none, the leaves are of a pale green colour; the flowers are of a purple colour, or of a purple colour like to violets, and they stand many of them together in knots; the berries are green at first, but when they are ripe they are very red; if you taste them, you shall find them just as the crabs which we in Sussex call bitter-sweets, viz . sweet at first, and bitter afterwards.

Place. They grow commonly almost throughout England, especially in moist and shady places.

Time. The leaves shoot out about the latter end of March, if the temperature of the air be ordinary; it flowereth in July, and the seeds are ripe soon after, usually in the next month.

Government and virtues. It is under the planet Mercury, and a notable herb of his also, if it be rightly gathered under his influence. It is excellently good to remove witchcraft both in men and beasts, as also all sudden diseases whatsoever. Being tied round about the neck, it is one of the most admirable remedies for the vertigo or dizziness in the head that is; and that is the reason (as Tragus saith) the people in Germany commonly hang it about their cattle's necks, when they fear any such evil hath betided them. Country people commonly use to take the berries of it, and having bruised them, they apply them to felons, and thereby soon rid their fingers of such troublesome guests.

We have now shewed you the external use of the herb, we shall speak a word or two of the internal, and so conclude. Take notice, it is a mercurial herb, and therefore of very subtle parts, as indeed all mercurial plants are; therefore take a pound of the wood and leaves together, bruise the wood (which you may easily do, for it is not so hard as oak) then put it into a pot, and put to it three pints of white wine, put on the pot-lid and shut it close; and let it infuse hot over a gentle fire twelve hours, then strain it out, so have you a most excellent drink to open obstructions of the liver and spleen to help difficulty of breath, bruises and falls, and congealed blood in any part of the body, it helps the yellow jaundice, the dropsy, and black jaundice, and to cleanse women newly brought to bed. You may drink a quarter of a pint of the infusion every morning. It purgeth the body very gently, and not churlishly, as some hold. And when you find good by this, remember me.

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