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Description. This is a robust conspicuous plan, which grows sometimes to five feet high; brownish or gren stalks, with narrow green leaves snipped about the edges somewhat like those of the peach tree, or willow leaves, but not quite of so light a green. The stalk spreads at the top, and is furnsihed with many yellow star-like flowers, which grow in a cup that is fringed, or surrounded with short leaves at the bottom. The seed is somewhat long, small, and of a brown colour, wrapped in down; and, when ripe, is carried away with the wind. The root consists of fibres set together at a head, which survives the winter, although the stalks dry away, and the leaves then disappear. The taste and smell of the whole plant is raw and unpleasant.

Place. This perennial commonly grows in the meadows of Yorkshire and Wiltshire, in moist and wet grounds, by wood-sides, and sometimes by the water side.

Time. It flowers in July, and the seed is soon ripe, and carried away with the wind.

Government and virtues. This is an herb of Saturn. Among the Germans, this wound herb is preferred before all others of the same quality. It is also the great ingredient of the Swiss arquebusade water, which every one who has an alembic may make as follows:- Take leaves of angelica half a pound; bugle, scabious, comfrey, spearmint, roman wormwood, of each six ounces; germander, rue, speedwell, and common daisy, each a quarter of a pound; roots of butterbur, and tops of St. John's wort, of each three ounces; leaves of Saracen's Consound, one pound; gather these fresh, and hang them up three days in an hairy place; then clip them small, and put them into the still, with two gallons of molasses spirit; let them stand two days, then add three gallons of water: distil off one gallon and a half: add to it one gallon of spring water, and half a pound of the finest sugar. Let it stand four days, and then filter it through paper, and put it up for use. This herb is balsamic and diuretic. Being boiled in wine, and drank, it helps the indisposition of the liver, and freeth the gall from obstructions; whereby it is good for the yellow jaundice and for the dropsy in the beginning of it, for all inward ulcers of the reins, mouth or throat, and inward wounds and bruises, likewise for such sores as happen in the privy parts of men and women; being steeped in wine, and then distilled, the water thereof drank, is singularly good to ease all gnawings in the stomach, or other pains of the body, as also the pains of the mother: and being boiled in water, it helps continual agues; and the said water, or the simple water of the herb distilled, or the juice or decoction, are very effectual to heal any green wound, or old sore or ulcer whatsoever, cleansing them from corruption, and quickly healing them up. Briefly, whatsoever hath been said of bugle or sanicle, may be found herein.

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