Thursday, August 31, 2006

Can Naturopathic Remedies Fight Cancer, Hot Flushes?

FRIDAY, Aug 18 (HealthDay News) -- Advocates for naturopathic remedies say their treatments may help fight menopausal symptoms, depression and even cancer.

For example, "bio-identical hormone therapy" looks promising for relieving the symptoms of menopause, one study found, while an age-old herbal remedy for cancer is proving effective -- at least in the laboratory and in animals.

That's according to naturopathic physicians presenting their research at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians annual meeting, held earlier this month in Portland. Ore.

Naturopathic physicians are trained in "natural" health care at accredited medical colleges, according to the AANP. Their approach is based on the belief that it is the nature of all things to return to balance. Treatments include dietary changes, counseling for lifestyle modification, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and homeopathy.

"Bio-identical hormones," a natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy, were effective in reducing the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause, said lead researcher Dr. Jan M. Siebert, a naturopathic physician in Pleasant Prairie, Wis.

Source: Health Day News

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Time to grow your own tea

DO you fancy a cup of camomile or a pot of peppermint? There is a huge range of herbal teas and tempting infusions on the market, but try to grow it yourself.

Herbs have long been renowned as natural healers and many contain uplifting properties. So whether you are just after a light refreshment or a natural remedy, it won't come much fresher than from your garden or windowsill.

Indeed Jekka McVicar, RHS fruit, vegetable and herb committee member, says they are actively encouraging more people to grow their own herbs.

"Herbs can help a whole range of ailments and make a really refreshing infusion. They can be grown in many different ways, in a formal herb garden, dotted among ornamental plants in a bed or border, as pot plants on the patio, in hanging baskets or on the windowsill. So even if you don't have a garden, you can still grow your own living medicine cabinet."

Source: - Scotsman

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War paint plant 'tackles cancer'

A plant Celts used to get blue dye for their war paint is a rich source of a compound that fights breast cancer, scientists have found.

Woad, which belongs to the same plant family as cauliflower and broccoli, contains high levels of the compound glucobrassicin.

The Italian team at Bologna University discovered woad contains 20 times more glucobrassicin than broccoli.

They were also able to boost its concentration by damaging the plant.

Source: - BBC news


Cooling 'relieves chronic pain'

Cooling sensations can relieve chronic pain, a study on rats suggests.
Scientists from the University of Edinburgh discovered chemicals that prompt feelings of coolness had a dramatic painkiller effect.

The researchers, writing in the journal Current Biology, found the cooling compounds activated a protein called TRMP8.

They said their findings could form the basis of new treatments for people suffering from chronic pain conditions.

Source - BBC News

Tea 'healthier' drink than water

Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers.

The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.

Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found.

Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health.

Source: BBC News


Cider 'may have health benefits'

Remember the song "I am a cider drinker?" Well there might be a bit more to it.

Scientists in Glasgow are examining whether drinking cider may offer the same health benefits as eating apples.

The researchers have found that English cider apples have high levels of "phenolic antioxidants" - linked to protection against strokes and cancer.

The next stage of the study, partly funded by the National Association of Cider Makers, is to analyse how humans absorb these chemicals from cider.

Twelve volunteers have been recruited to take part in the tests.

Lucky, lucky people.


If your child is starting school, Bach Flower Remedies can support them.

IF YOUR child is starting school, Bach Flower Remedies can support them. These are 37 different plant essences, categorised by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s and designed to give emotional support to assist you through life's ups and downs. Flower remedies are gentle and safe enough to use in pregnancy or alongside medication.

Walnut (£3.75 for 10ml) is a remedy for coping with life's major changes, both positive and negative, such as a new school, a new baby, a divorce or a house move. It improves our ability to adapt to change and stand up for our beliefs.

Source: Scotsman

Juices 'may cut Alzheimer's risk'

Drinking fruit and vegetable juices frequently may significantly cut the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, a study suggests.

US researchers followed almost 2,000 people for up to 10 years - providing a powerful set of results.

They found the risk was 76% lower for those who drank juice more than three times a week, compared with those who drank it less than once a week.

The study appears in the American Journal of Medicine.

Source - BBC News


The Body Map every woman should read

Heartache can lead to heart disease, scientists said last week. Here, Anne-Marie O'Leary charts the impact of other life events, and the lifestyle choices we make, on our bodies

Heartache is a physical phenomenon, as any who have felt it will know. Now, new findings claim that it can actually lead to heart disease.

Researchers at the University of Texas have discovered that women who experience divorce are 60 per cent more likely to develop heart disease in later life than their long-term married friends - even if they go on to remarry.

The theory is that the emotional stress of marriage breakdown triggers physical changes in the body that lead to an increased risk of heart disease. But it isn't only heartache that can metamorphose into a health issue. Bereavement, childbirth, exercise, the way we work and play, our sex lives - all can take their toll. Read on to find out how…

Source: - Telegraph


Stout for horses

A horse in a Lincolnshire animal centre has been prescribed a diet of beer to help him recover.

The 24 year old Shire horse, Sammy, is getting on a bit. A local vet has advised the Northcote Heavy Horse Centre to give him a daily dose of two bottles of stout.

Those horse shoes he wears obviously bring him luck.

Focus on individual herbal remedies - Festival survival

Festival survival tincture
Made up of Ashwagandha, Gotu kola and milk thistle this remedy provides a boost of energy for those intent on getting the most from their festival - in this case Edinburgh! Ashwagandha is an Ayervedic herb that rejuvenates and energizes the nervous system. Gotu kola helps the body deal with stress. Milk thistle helps protect the liver from toxins.

Source - Scotsman

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